Brooklyn Solar Works

Brooklyn Solar Works
Release Year

Brooklyn Solar Works, a renewable energy company specializing in solar panel installations, approached us to help them with their branding and identity. The company was in the process of expanding their services and needed a strong brand that would reflect their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Design Requirements:
  1. Unique Identity: Brooklyn Solar Works wanted a unique brand identity that would set them apart from their competitors and convey their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
  2. Visual Consistency: The brand identity should be visually consistent across all materials, including their website, business cards, and promotional materials.
  3. Relevance: The brand identity should reflect the company's focus on renewable energy and the positive impact they have on the environment.

Design Process:
  1. Research: We conducted research on the renewable energy industry, the target audience, and the company's competitors to gain a deeper understanding of the client's needs and requirements.
  2. Brand Identity Development: Based on the research, we developed a brand identity that reflected Brooklyn Solar Works' commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The brand identity included a unique logo, color palette, and typography that was visually consistent across all materials.
  3. Design: We applied the brand identity to a range of materials, including their website, business cards, and promotional materials, ensuring that the visual consistency was maintained.
  4. Testing and Launch: The brand identity was tested and refined, making any necessary adjustments to ensure that it was effective in communicating the company's message and values. After making any necessary changes, the brand identity was launched and made available for use on all materials.
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The new brand identity for Brooklyn Solar Works was a success, effectively communicating the company's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The visually consistent brand identity helped to reinforce the company's image and set them apart from their competitors. The unique logo, color palette, and typography helped to build brand recognition and establish a strong brand presence. The new brand identity has contributed to increased awareness and engagement with the company, helping to support their growth and expansion in the renewable energy industry.

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